Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Falling off the face of the earth, Butter & Happiness

Miracles happen every day.  I fell off the face of the earth blog wise and reminded myself it was time to climb back up and get on it again.  I do this for myself.  For a peace of mind and because I like to share my quirks with the world.  

Newest news..  I've taken up fostering dachshunds here and there.  My own herd o' weens is doing great and spunky as ever.  They seem to enjoy these little sporadic visits with new pals.  Keeps life interesting.  Currently I am "babysitting"  Charlie.  Or as we know him .. Charlie Barlie Bear

He's a cute little Dachsie mix..  with what I don't know but it doesn't seem to matter. He's made himself at home with the Weens here until his furever home can be found.  

Cute isn't he? 
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Moving on to the Butter portion of todays title..  Yes .. what does butter have to do with falling off the face of the earth?  Not much to be honest.  I just made some for the first time and found it to be rather interesting that we take such simple things for granted.  We also have forgotten HOW to make such a simple thing that is very much a part of many people's lives.  Butter..  Who doesn't adore butter on crispy toast. On pancakes .. on green beans.  On ... well just about everything.  I wont lie.  I love butter and sadly it loves me right back. Ha.   So today .. I went head first into making it with the fear that I would screw up some perfectly GOOD heavy cream. 

Low and behold.... I did not.  

After pouring off the butter milk you must rinse the butter so that it stays fresh longer. :) 
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For those that have no clue what this contraption is.. It's a butter bell.  It keeps butter fresh without having to refrigerate it and the plus side .. it's soft so you can spread it easily onto that toast I was talking about earlier. 
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The lovely by product of making butter is .. butter milk.  I feel a biscuit making adventure happening later for dinner now. Yum! 
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and last but not least.. I wish you all Happiness ...  Today started out utterly wonderful for me.  33 degrees, brisk outside, a little ice on the windshield and crisp fresh air all around.  I felt and still feel incredibly happy.  
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