So this afternoon I am off to pickup Kitteh n' Puppeh food at my favorite place, Mary Ann's Natural Pet in Florence, OR. Low in behold she's out of the beloved Taste of the Wild Manna my babies so happily nom. No fears, it will be in Tuesday. YAY! So looking around I spied this lovely lil bag of freeze dried grain free goodness. Hmmmmms... Grandma Lucy's . This bright happy yellow bag during the day of dreary yeck poo rain. I nipped it from it's resting place and trotted to the counter. "Tell me a bit about this?"
Now Miss Mary Ann ( not sure if she's Miss., Ms. or Mrs. so I'll stick with Miss to be safe ) she is one of the best people I can possibly think of to ask any sort of question of when it comes to feeding, supplements and the like. A wealth of know how and willing to share it. My favorite kind of person to just listen to if given the chance to stand there and hear how this or that works.
So .. yes the lil 3lb bag that makes approx 17 lbs of fresh food took a 25 mile ride home with me.
Who wants words when we have PICTURES .. yay for visuals. :)
Artisan Chicken Freeze-Dried/ Grain-Free ( me likey grain free!! )
Big chunks of chicki. I broke them up as I saw them since I am "adding" this into the kibble I feed at night. They don't need chunks but I was glad to see them there. Yay chunks of chicki goodness!
6 lil Weena bowls..
One of these bowls is not like the other. By "accident" I picked up another bowl that I thought was the same but when I got home had realized my mistake. But it's a cute mistake since it's a teeny dog and Mishka is a teeny weenie. :)
Le' bits ... pre-water
Le' bits ... post water ( for those interested in trying this out I "feel" and this is just me that this is VERY potato based and would be better as a "added" yum factor. But then this was my first try out of it as a "add in" and not a whole dinner item.

Yon wee kibbums added.
The nom festivities ... From left to right in order of "butt" appearance and in what order they get their bowls...
Shiloh, Molly, Toby, BeBe, Kai and Mishka ( blind boy is special he goes first )
Licked clean..
Final thoughts.. When I added the warm water this LOVELY aroma wafted up. I only placed a tablespoon into each bowl as they each get 1/4th kibbie grain free at night. It's always nice to sleep on a pleasantly full tummy. The bag calls for 5-10lbs Average dog gets 3/4 to 1 1/4 cup. It smelled as what I can best described as thanksgiving dinner scents all mixed into one. Lovely. ( I was tempted to try it. )
The Weens usually will lick their bowls after I add Sojos ( just the veggie/fruit one ) at night but they don't lick them clean. The bowls were spotless upon closer inspection.
As I mentioned before this does seem to be heavier on the potato flake but as an addition to kibbie I think it was an excellent treat.
I will buy it again.
( if only just to smell Thanksgiving dinner nightly )